從一首《Sacred Trickster》來看Kim Gordon與Sonic Youth之間的期望衝突

Sonic Youth - Sacred Trickster 

from 《The Eternal》 (the 15th and final studio album, 2009)

Kim Gordon在Sonic Youth (音速青春) 中吶喊了近30年,一系列的壓抑與轟炸誕生出許多經典的No-Wave搖滾歌曲,但Kim Gordon和團員兼丈夫的Thurston Moore在樂團後期產生了裂痕,也是導致樂團終究解散的原因之一。

而我自己很喜歡Sonic Youth的最後一張專輯《The Eternal》,其中同樣還是Kim Gordon的爆炸和Thurston Moore的壓抑,但歌詞的意境卻開始不同,能從Sacred Trickster到Antenna中,聽出Kim和Thurston之間的不合,直接而充滿憤怒的Kim Gordon,在這首Sacred Trickster中不再妥協,唱出了自己壓抑已久的心聲。

"I want you to levitate me
Don't you love me yet?
Press up against the amp, 
turn up the treble Don't forget"
"I wish I could be music on a tree 
Noise nomads and me
Levitating on the ground."
"Getting dizzy sitting around 
Sacred trickster and the no tech sound"
這有點唱出Kim對於世界與自身期望間從不同頻的「算了吧」,最後Sonic Youth和感情的事對她來說或許都只是個包裝神聖的戲弄而已。

不難想像Thurston Moore和她最後在11年產生裂痕而解散,甚至在13年離婚的原因(當然有位小三的出現是最主要的關係啦)。因為兩人所唱所想,在某些地方從來就不太相同,而最後Kim在採訪中也只是笑笑地敷衍過去這個事實 (在Overhead with Evan Smith的採訪中提到Thurston曾多次表示和Kim常有裂痕,Kim則表示不知道也不重要。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DFauIJSsTo&t=5s),或許她就是認為Thurston其實不懂她吧。就像她所唱的一樣:

"What's its like to be a girl in a band?
I don't quite understand
That's so quaint to hear
I feel so faint my dear."


"Every day I feel more like her
Street magic in the burning dawn
Out for blood my selfless lover
Forever your's and then she's gone"

雙方都唱自己的立場,卻唱不進對方的心,《The Eternal》真的是一張充滿Thurston和Kim 磨耗心神、比誰撐的久,但最終都放棄的專輯。

而在2008年,Sonic Youth在巴西聖保羅進行生涯告別演出,Kim Gordon 和 Thurston Moore 當時已分居,兩人在巡演中也幾乎不交流溝通。Kim Gordon在後來的自傳《Girl in a Band》(2015)中回憶道  :

「我和Thurston Moore 面對著台下無數的擠擠嚷嚷、汗流浹背的巴西觀眾,機械地演唱著陳舊的歌詞,對於我來說,這一切更加像是充滿痛苦、憤怒、超現實般原始能量的背景音樂 : Hit it! Hit it! Hit it!  我這一生中從來沒有像現在這樣如此孤獨。

最後在這附上Sacred Trickster的歌詞

I want you to levitate me
Don't you love me yet?
Press up against the amp, turn up the treble
Don't forget


Getting dizzy sittin around
Sacred trickster and the no tech sound

I wish I could be music on a tree
Noise nomads and me
Levitating on the ground

Uh huh uh huh
Uh huh uh huh
Uh huh uh huh
Uh huh uh huh

Whats its like to be a girl in a band?
I don't quite understand
That's so quaint to hear
I feel so faint my dear


Getting dizzy sittin around
Sacred trickster and the no tech sound


I wish I could be music on a tree
Noise nomads and me
Levitating, scootin around




Dennis Scott Brown in conversation with Enrique Walker, Philadelphia, 10/29, 2013, updated June 2018

《自らつくり続ける仕事場》, from 《新建築》2020年07月号 p.78, written by 長坂常

《荒ぶる好奇心の先に》, from 《住宅特集》2017年08月号 p.30 , written by 中川エリカ